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Doggy bloggy 8


So Harry is 10 weeks into his 12 week rehab that's for a broken leg not drugs. Although he was on drugs for the first 8 weeks. They were to calm him down. I took a few masel. We were worried he might have withdrawals when we stopped but other than the cold sweats screaming in the night and swearing at us he was fine. So we spoke to the vet. (That's the man we have paid £5000 to) and we actually have still be very careful after the 12 week period. He can only go off lead for 5 minutes a day for the first week. Harry's biggest problem is his energy and because he can't get off the lead and run for 2 hours he takes it out on me. He doesn't bite me now...well not much, but he wants to play all the time. He has also gone off his food. So Jane is making him special meals to entice him. I can't imagine what is going to happen to the thousands of dogs that were bought in lockdown, when everyone goes back to work. The poor things will be in a terrible state of anxiety. In all honesty Harry has been fantastic. I suppose as long as your dog has food and your love they accept anything..... bit like me really.

So in other news.....fuck all is happening.


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