When I say 'near the end' I don't mean my life.....just nearing the end of this wonderful panto. Once again we have had a blast. The business is record breaking and the reviews all wonderful....well except for one....there's always one. I wont mention any names but its a 'she' and 'she' never likes us. A don't know what she wants but 'she' is the only one out of step....bless her. I had another great christmas at Preston field house with the family. I got a cold from David and choked my way through the last few days. Now my mind is starting to switch to 'Canned Laughter' Ed and I will be getting together as soon as I get back to finalise the script. I'm really excited about it and I know the guys are as well. Jane and the kids are all well and Jane is gearing up for the Adele tour. So panto party looms and I need to get in training for that..... bye
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