Well summer went on longer than usual and it was glorious. And...... we didn't die of the heat. So Media you got it wrong again. Been busy on off ships and then one day out of the blue I got a call from the producer of River City. He asked if would like to do a cameo part in the soap. Well, I have never contemplated acting on TV but I have to say I do enjoy a challenge. So, I chatted with the director and writers and they sent me the outline of the story. They then asked me to inject t some humour or comedy into it. Wow. They want me to write it as well. That's something I wouldn[t have expected. Anyway we had a few zoom calls and I went up this week and recorded my episode. Or Ep as we soap actors call it. The opening scene was just setting up my character, Gavin Newbond, (a comedian singer who has decided to become and actor and I'm moving back to Scotland to find an agent....sound familiar .... and the agent happens to be Sam Spiller ie Grant Stott). I wont go into it much more, but I audition for them and meet a lovely lady who takes my fancy......ooooh Matron. A love interest. Well the producers said they wanted to leave the door open for me to come back at some point. So lets see how it all goes. It's airing beginning of December.
In other news, the panto script is finished and we had a big press launch this week in Edinburgh. Great to see the new cast members and of course the old ones. I'm really looking forward to moving to the Festival theatre this year. It will feel so different after 27 years at the Kings. Next year with be my silver jubilee (25 years) of playing dame at the Kings.
The family are all well. I'm going out next week to LA for a couple of weeks to see ma boy David. Kate has been recording a video of her new songs ready for the release of her EP and Jane is busy busy with the Robbie Williams tour. So a busy family. We are so lucky.
Ok that's about it for now.