Well the nights are fair drawing in..... a sure sign that I'm getting my fat body suit out of the cupboard, my bra, and my tights.......Yes that's right is drag night down the pub. No its panto time. It comes round faster every year. A sure sign that I'm getting older. We had a late photo session this year, just last week, where we all get together and do photos for this year, Jack and the Beanstock and photos for next year.....Cinderella. Yes that's right I'm still being booked back. This year was supposed to be the end of my 6 year deal....but.....they have given me a new 6 year deal. Its getting silly now. All those years ago, 20 I think, I said to my then manager sorry I don't want to sign for 3 years. Well thanks to Qdos and the lovely Duncan Hendry at the Kings they still want me. I'm negotiating at the moment with a wonderful name for my Big Big show in February. But as its not confirmed I cant say who it is. However if it comes off it will be a cracking show. I already have Grant and Pilot....remember Magic and January, confirmed so the big name will be the icing on the top of the Greggs steak bake. Its been a great year. The cruising was great this year. The Cunard ships were really buzzing in the summer. Everyone is the family is busy. Kate's new single, out next year, is written and produced by David. So its all in the family. Jane has Take That and Robbie on tour next year, so I wont see much of her as she travels round Europe. I'll just have to join her when possible. Ok speak after we open.