"I love you baby but the seasons over' was something I said when I was young. I'm not proud of it in fact its terrible....what am I talking about. Well, one would in one's single days inevitably find one's self (this is good, all the 'ones') in a relationship with a dancer...or two. It usually became quite intense. But......and I'm not condoning it.....but when the season was over you went your separate ways. I always tried to make it work but alas 'I love you baby.....etc" Anyway the reason that came into my mind was that my cruising season is over for another year. However at my age and marital status there are no dancers involved. Oh I tell a lie. One of the original Tiller girls (82) made a vague pass at me on the ship recently. Well I think it was pass she told me she could still get her leg above her shoulder level. Anyway I congratulated her and moved on. So as I said my Cunard season has come to and end until May next year..... and ....yes its pantoland next week. It comes round so quickly. I love it though. I saw the boys a couple of weeks ago at a reading of Canned Laughter and it was as it always is.... a laugh from beginning to the end. Ed and I who are writing the play have a lot of work to do yet but the basics are there and I think we have a good product. A lot of work is done in the rehearsal room, when we start bouncing off each other. So I have a busy week next week. Unfortunately Ross King's mother died (she was such a lovely lady) and I"m going up to Glasgow for the funeral. Then I have a lot to organise before I leave for Edinburgh on Sunday week. So there we are up to date and I"m sure my next post will start.....'well here we go again'